Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jesus Culture - Redding - 2010

So on Wednesday theFIELD crew departed for Jesus Culture. I unfortunately missed day 1. Day 2 and beyond were amazing. People were healed, slain in the spirit, and prophecies soared. It definitely got us out of our comfort zone. Sean Smith was one of the main speakers there and was truly a blessed man. Cindy Jacobs just tore up the physical with the spiritual.

There is something about two thousand young people praising and worshiping God that is just so inspiring. You can't help but feel good. Not to mention that the presence was just so thick that you walked in and started "shaka la ken". It's always a good feeling when the weird is the norm and the norm is the weird.

On to the important part:
While in Redding, I got a sort of vision. I am not one to believe I have the gift of prophecy or anything but this is what I saw...

"Hundreds, if not thousands, of people in Santa Rosa worshiping God. Yelling out for revival in the rest of the world. Santa Rosa being one of the precursors to a nation wide state of revival. A new found image in God, in which those with moral fiber are no longer the misfits. A nation engulfed in the spirit of God."

Only God can have an idea so large and out there. Only God could make something like this possible. All we have to do is be receptive/obedient and anything is possible.

So I hope you ready to see a thick spiritual manifestation in Santa Rosa!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What To Think?

I think continually of those who were truely great,
and on those who weren't that great at all.
Who from the womb remember the soul's history,
although some barely remember breakfast.
Through corridors of stone I travel my mind,
only to find myself at the beginning.
If only I didn't dream up a maze,
a maze of bible stories and blasphemy,
of dogma and ambiguity.
Ostracized for my beliefs,
yet I prevail nonetheless.
I find a door to lead me to the outside,
only to find myself further in my mind.
I travel far to bring me back,
My compliance to the world gives me recognition,
yet it strips me of my freedom.
To me,
the meaning of the world is not even my most difficult of conundrums,
Well what is the hardest question of all?
To me it is,
What to think?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Last Airbender

So i'm not a movie critic and this blog is supposed to be about my music but more then that it is my heartbeat. So I find it appropriate for me to spill my feelings for this movie. Plus I am not tired and I need a way to channel my time better then just sitting on www.omgpop.com playing "Balloono". So here is my critic of the movie.

So I have very mix feelings for this movie. I watched the cartoon series "Avatar:The Last Airbender" and I like the cartoon series but this movie is shallow. There is close to zero character development and the whole plot isn't exactly black and white. It seemed more like a giant field test for special effects. If special effects was any definition of how good a movie is then this movie is the "Titanic". Now, i'm not saying this movie is bad. I am also not saying it's good. M.Night Shyamalan had his hands full with this movie. 

He had to fit in a nearly 14 hour series into a 2 hour movie. He didn't quite have the time to develop the world, characters, and plot like the series had. Top that off with a poor script and you have your self a pretty big let down for those hardcore "Avatar" fans. 

I sympathize with M.Night, he had quite the task with bringing this world to life. For the effort i'm sure he did his best and I don't think many people could have done better but with poor acting (Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire being probably the only notable actor in the cast) and a poor script this movie is at best mediocre. Albeit the scores and special effects were good. 

If you are looking for a movie that isn't "Twilight:Eclipse" like me, you want to see some really cool special effects, or you just don't want to have to think during a movie I'd probably recommend it. I'd have to give this movie a 2/5. 

If you are a fan of the series you will be ticked off at the way they say the names of Aang, Sokka, and Iroh.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Notebook Scene Re-enactment

If you haven't seen it by now, you are missing out. I made my acting debut last night at theFIELD's Student Service and it was definitely an Oscar winning performance. Critics rave about the passionate kiss. Don't worry people it was only acting, although it was rather risque. Watch the video by clicking the link down below.

The Notebook Scene Re-Enactment

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Be Like You

So I have finished a new song titled "Be Like You". The problem is that I am not really sure what my creative process was for completing this song. It just kind of came to me. I spent hours upon hours playing guitar and singing till a song was formed. I wonder if this is how other artists write songs. It can't be.

Did Leonardo not know what he was planning to paint before he painted something. I am sure he did, but this song wasn't really planned. I just sang something and I liked it and added to it. Maybe Leonardo did just drop some paint onto a canvas liked the way it appeared and painted around it. I don't know.

Whatever the case maybe, I have finished another song and here is my little explanation of the song:

So the song is titled "Be Like You''. It was definitely my hearts cry last night during my prayer that I wanted to be more like Christ. I just kept shouting out "I wanna be like You, I wanna be like You. Father make me more like You." I grabbed the guitar and started singing just that. "I wanna be like You, I wanna be like You."

Slowly my heart just started tingling, and it began to sing "I will run to you when I am weak or when i'm strong, when i'm right or when i'm wrong. I will run to you". A strong declaration I feel of what a REAL Christian should be. A man or woman that wants to run to Christ whether he is in a good place or a bad place.

The entire song just makes that feeling an anthem the entire way. I couldn't stop singing the song. I spent hours upon hours finishing it. Polishing it and making sure it was just what needed to be said. The rest of the night and even this morning was just me playing this song for hours. It's one of those songs that captures the amount of love man can have for God and in return gives God glory.

I can't wait for ya'll to hear it. It's definitely something you don't want to miss.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So I have decided that I am going to really do this, I am going to push my music. Here is the problem, I have completed one song in my entire life. As an aspiring singer-songwriter that isn't very good. So what I am going to do is log my progress on this here blog.

This blog will be filled to the brim with my experiences, my songs, my thoughts, poems, and whatever else I think might be remotely interesting for people to see.

If you have any questions feel free to find me on Facebook
